Tuesday, March 10, 2009

wala:Jesus the fullnes of Gods Revelation

This Picture Shows Jesus Being Baptised.
To Me This Means That A Dove Flew Over Jesus When He Got Baptised.

Friday, March 6, 2009

At the park.

Walt:write a recount about one part of my holiday.Iused fodey to publish my recount.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Wordle: Untitled

Principals Questions about Creatit Project so far

How does using a Blog help you learning?

It helps me learning how to
use CreateIT and ICT.

How does a Blog link your school learning with you home
It lets my parents know what I'm up to at school
And it helps me with ICT.



How does using a blog help you with your learning?

It helps me beacuse I can learn new ICT stuff.

How does a blog link your school learning with your home?

It lets my pearents know what I`m up to at school

MY pie